Reasons To Adopt A Dog

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Adding a new furry member to the family is an exciting experience, but the process can be a bit confusing for first time dog owners. There are so many things to consider; what kind of dog is right for the family, what kind of training will the dog be given, and what will the dog’s name be? One of the most important decisions that doesn’t get much thought is whether

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Hot Dog: Summer Tips for Keeping your Pup Safe

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With the summer season officially upon us, it’s time to enjoy some of those warm rays of sunshine. While the high temps make for great vacations and beach outings, they also make dangerous conditions for not only people but dogs too. Our dogs enjoy being outside so much that it’s easy to forget that they could very easily start to overheat or worse if left out in the heat too long. We’ve put together some tips to help you ensure that your pup is safe during the hottest months of the year.

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Best Jobs For Dog Lovers

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It’s no secret that all of us at Paws love our job and for good reason! We get to spend all day, every day with dogs. We really are lucky to have a job that we are all so passionate about. If your boring 9 to 5 has been bogging you down and you want to consider switching to a career that deals with man’s best friend, here a few jobs for dog lovers:

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